Power Your Sustainability With Innovative Sealing Solutions
As our industry mobilizes behind a net zero future, it can feel daunting to balance sustainability and reliability. With John Crane, the energy transition isn’t just possible; it’s already being achieved by customers around the world. Download our latest eBook now to discover five innovative sealing solutions that are helping operators achieve their sustainability and operational goals.
Explore Case Studies in Net Zero Progress
Every day, mission-critical operators are using innovative sealing solutions to achieve their sustainability goals. In our latest eBook, you’ll find case studies filled with measurable, attainable results — including these ones from our energy and process industry customers.
900K liter reduction in water consumption
through pumping seal upgrades
40% reduction in GHG emissions
with John Crane’s dry gas seals
900K liter reduction in water consumption
through pumping seal upgrades
40% reduction in GHG emissions
with John Crane’s dry gas seals
Shape Your New Energy Reality
John Crane delivers market-ready solutions with pioneering spirit, empowering our customers to shape their new energy reality today. Learn more about our vision for powering sustainability.
Discover Innovative Solutions for the New Energy Era
Over the last few decades, the energy and process industries have navigated numerous monumental shifts. But no challenge has been as mission-critical as the energy transition. In John Crane's latest eBook, our experts provide a concise overview of the energy transition landscape and the innovative solutions driving progress for energy and process industry pioneers. Whether you need to meet stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, reduce water consumption, scale clean hydrogen deployment or enhance your overall efficiency, consider this eBook your guide to accelerating progress.
Download “Innovative Solutions for Accelerating our Industry's Sustainable Future” now to discover sealing technologies, solutions and services that:
- Curb water consumption
- Enhance efficiency and reliability
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Enable LNG as a bridge fuel
- Accelerate your progress in the energy transition
John Crane began building its legacy of sustainability more than a century ago. As we accelerate and scale new energy initiatives, we’re just as committed to pioneering progress — for the benefit of our industry and our planet. Read our eBook now to gain proven strategies for powering your organization’s sustainability, from a partner committed to accelerating our industry's secure future.
Get Proven Strategies for Accelerating Your Sustainability
Across the energy and process industries, innovative sealing solutions are helping customers accelerate their decarbonization efforts. Download our eBook now to discover market-ready solutions that enhance your sustainability now and solidify your low-carbon future.